Group Coaching Course
A 12-Week Group Coaching Program covering:
- Understanding the Job Search Process, to improve your chances of excelling in a fiercely competitive Job Market
- Branding and Positioning Yourself as the “Stand-Out” Candidate
- Mastering every step necessary to land your Dream Job, AND
- Knowing exactly what to do to be immediately successful in your next Position
The Course will be a 12-Week Group Coaching Program with weekly sessions, starting in 2019.
The Course material will cover the most important aspects of the Job Search Process with detailed Preparation on the parts necessary to help Candidates become more confident and comfortable with Interviews, in order to ultimately land their Dream Job!
There will be direct Coaching and Training in the form of Weekly Webinars as well as Q&A sessions, every other week—so at the end of twelve weeks, you will have full knowledge of the Job Search Process and exactly what to do at every stage to maximize your chances of being the “Stand out Candidate.”
The Group Coaching Program will cover 6 Training Modules, 6 Q&A Sessions and several Bonuses, specifically designed to cover essential skills imperative to success in any Role.
The Course will cover, everything you need to know to “Ace an Interview” and be successful in the next Position that you land.
If you are interested and would like to be kept apprised of our Group Coaching Program, please sign up to join our waiting list.
Thank you so much for your interest. I look forward to seeing you in the Group!
Thank you so much for your interest!
I look forward to seeing you in the Group!
It will happen to you. Sooner or later, your manager, perhaps at no fault of your own, will have that surreal conversation with you that will leave you speechless. “Greg, I am here to discuss your transition”.
A few hours or days will pass and, as many people do, you will look to friends, colleagues, self-help books and seminars for career direction on your next steps.
My advice – hire Leora Bach, Professional Career Coach.
After reading Leora’s book, Ace Your C-Suite Interview, I took the chance and e-mailed Leora via LinkedIn hoping she could recommend someone for career coaching as I was not at the C-Suite level.
Much to my surprise, I received an e-mail back and within 48 hours of my request to Leora, we were on a phone call discussing my situation.
Leora is a very seasoned and professional career coach that will help you find your positive traits and attributes to land you your next job.
I found Leora to be extremely patient, genuine and a very good listener. Her guidance helped me land a position with a great company.
I am very pleased to have made the effort and investment with Leora and I urge anyone in a similar position to reach out to Leora!
When I first called Leora out of the blue, she immediately made helping my career a priority and gave so much of her time.
Leora’s sincere desire to coach and unwavering commitment to see me through to landing a stellar position is something I won’t ever forget!
I cannot thank her enough for all her help and encouragement!
Leora has an eye for exceptional talent and a natural ease of helping to present it in a manner so that all will recognize it. This is a talent in its own right that comes from extensive experience and a dedication rooted in a passion for one’s work.
Perhaps it is her possession of that passion that allows her to easily identify it in others.
Many times, as professionals with a lifetime of experience focused on our respective fields, we forget how to sell ourselves, and it is difficult to understand why others may not recognize that we are the best Candidate for a role.
Leora’s strength is in guiding skilled Candidates through the process of distilling their talents and bringing them to the surface so that they are readily apparent to a potential employer.
Reach Us
You can connect with us using this form or using one of the methods below.
Bach Associates Consulting Inc.
424 W. Bakerview Road
Ste 105-2019
Bellingham, WA 98226
(360) 393-4470
(415) 741-5858
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